The State of New Hampshire has taken a bold step in its dealings with FirstNet that could serve as a model. Will other states (and territories) follow the Granite State’s lead?

In a few short months, FirstNet is expected to select a vendor to build, operate and maintain the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network (“NPSBN”).

Another marker passed on the FirstNet roadmap last week as Capability Statements from bidders interested in building, operating and maintaining the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network were submitted March 31, 2016. Final bids are due in less than two months, on or before May 13, 2016.

FirstNet has clarified that submission of a Capability Statement

There could be two significant historical events this November. On November 8, 2016 the American people will elect the 45th President of the United States. One week earlier, on November 1st, the First Responder Network Authority, commonly referred to as FirstNet, hopes to select a winning bidder to construct, maintain and operate a nationwide public safety broadband network (“NPSBN”).
Continue Reading Historical Year For America And FirstNet

The widely-anticipated commercial deployment of drones piques the interest of critical infrastructure industries, the agricultural sector, and technology companies such as Amazon. Consistent with this commercial interest and its Congressional mandate, the FAA is developing proposed regulations for commercial drone operations by the September 2015 statutory due date, which likely will not be met.
Continue Reading Privacy Concerns Escalate as Drones Are About to Take-Off

The U.S. is Fast Becoming the Slowest Adopter of the Latest Advancement in Aviation – the Unmanned Aircraft System, Commonly Known as the Drone
Continue Reading The U.S. is Fast Becoming the Slowest Adopter of the Latest Advancement in Aviation – the Unmanned Aircraft System, Commonly Known as the Drone

The Departments of State and Commerce recently proposed rule amendments to ease export controls on satellite-related items.  Under existing export control rules, the vast majority of satellites, related components and technology cannot be exported and related assistance cannot be provided to foreign companies without obtaining a license pursuant to the restrictive International Traffic in Arms

Following President Obama’s State of the Union address on February 12, the White House released its much-anticipated cybersecurity executive order, Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity.  The EO was an opportunity for the Administration to address widely acknowledged cyber threats to domestic critical infrastructure and to clarify Executive Branch authority to respond fully to cyber-attacks by